Hannah C. W. Jakobsen
Professional title: Master of Science in Architectural Engineering
Workplace: Rambøll Danmark
Email: hcwj@ramboll.dk
Phone number: +45 5161 0247
A holistic assessment of acoustic environments in hospitals
A presentation of a 2022 study of the noise and acoustic environment in four Danish hospi-tal wards; three intensive care units and one neurological emergency unit, with a holistic, ethnographical approach.
The sound environment was evaluated using measured, objective parameters along with observations, supported by informal interviews and questionnaires filled out by staff, to ob-tain a holistic insight to the sound environments in Danish hospital units.
Measured parameters such as reverberation time and logged noise levels from each unit will be presented and compared to current Danish legislation and recommended thresholds for noise in patient wards as directed by the World Health Organisations Guideline to Communi-ty Noise (1999). In addition, the perceived sound environment by staff expressed in the questionnaires are used to assess whether current legislation is sufficient to create satisfy-ing sound environments for a workplace and place of healing.
The results are compared to the findings of ethnographic studies performed in each unit to determine recommendations regarding acoustic design of future hospital units for both ar-chitects, acoustical engineers, and lawmakers.