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Speaker Abstracts

Gerhart Tiesler

Gerhart Tiesler

Professional title: Dr.phil. Head of ISF
Workplace: Inst.of interdisciplinary school research Bremen, ISF
Retired since 2008

Phone number:
+49 42169694360
+49 162 9074501
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Acoustics and air quality and their impact on student concentration and fatigue

Research was initiated in 2005 by public discussion of air quality in offices and schools. One pattern for our research we found in “Handbuch der Schulhygiene” (handbook of hygiene in schools), 2nd edition from 1902. Most of the results in that book were forgotten, especially recommendation of the limit of 1000ppm CO2 in the air of classrooms for good learning conditions. Our research included monitoring of complete lessons over the day in two elementary schools and one gymnasium, including an awareness-test before and after school. Monitoring has been done over two days in every group participating, divided in two steps. 1st step under usual conditions, 2nd step with special timing of ventilation of the classroom. For best comparison conditions monitoring was placed for both steps on same weekdays with same timetable of lessons. The data include 16 groups, age from 6 to 16 years old, 350 students.

  • Continuously monitored data all over the day: CO2, SPL, teaching situation (communication, action), physiologic workload.
  • Awareness-test for every student before an after school day
  • Acoustic-ergonomic data of all classrooms

The research data will show the importance of good air quality and room acoustics for better learning conditions.